Device manufacturer BTL Aesthetics has launched the new EMSCULPT NEO EDGE applicators.

According to the company, the device aims to target and treat the entire lateral abdomen. The design allows for a closer fit on the curvier areas of the body offering a solution which addresses all fat deposits and muscle groups in the abdominal area, explains BTL Aesthetics.

The new EDGE applicators feature a specifically engineered double coil system allowing the energy to penetrate through all three layers of the oblique muscles resulting in consistent muscle contouring and fat reduction.

Ron Borsheim, vice president of product development, said, “With the exciting new addition of the EDGE applicator, BTL is continuing to raise the bar in the aesthetics industry and innovate for versatility by extending the sculpting power of the award-winning EMSCULPT NEO therapy. The unrivalled device treats more key muscle groups than any other non-invasive treatment.” 

SOURCEAesthetics Journal
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